The Ooze Part 1

 Being a big brother is hard but soon that all changed. My name is Matthew Jacobson well actually it's Milly Carpender but I'll explain that later...

I was visiting my parents'house  to spend some quality time and we were enjoying each other's company but when my little sister came home from school things started to turn.

During the time my sister was studying radiation in science class and she came in and her clothes we covered in this weird sticky stuff and when my mom went to go help her to go get cleaned up I offered to clean her clothes and after a while the clothes were done and when I took them out of the washer, I had a sense feeling that something was wrong but I put them in the dryer anyway and didn't think about it much. My little sister is 13 years old and her school has a uniform and the stuff I pulled out was not her uniform and before I could say something the unknown clothes started attacking me like if they were alive, they undressed me and put the lingerie on first but after they did they stopped but what was weird was that I couldn't take the lingerie off.

I was starting to think I was crazy but soon I got a sharp pain feeling in my stomach as if I had eaten Taco Bell but soon the pain traveled to my chest and I felt like I was having a heart attack and then my chest started to feel heavy, water and fat started to fill up my chest and as I looked down, I gasped as I saw my muscles recede making way for a pair of burgeoning breasts. They grew before my eyes, and I could feel the heavy weight and softness of them, an entirely new sensation that sent shivers down my spine.


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